Old Bonifay Elementary School – Mechanical Upgrades

ReliantSouth was selected by the Holmes County District School Board as the General Contractor on the $1.75M Old Bonifay Elementary School – Mechanical Upgrade project.  This unique project consisted of addressing deficient mechanical systems serving the campus, including new structural reinforcement for the new roof penthouses housing the new equipment.  ReliantSouth enjoyed working with both…

Holy Nativity Outdoor Pavilion

ReliantSouth was selected by Holy Nativity Episcopal school to serve as the Design/Build firm for their new Outdoor Pavilion. The pavilion houses a full-sized basketball court, stage, bleachers, and restrooms. The welcomed addition to their campus allows students the opportunity to have a flexible space for both athletic and other outdoor activities in inclement weather.

Florida State University PC – Early Childhood Autism Program Renovations

ReliantSouth served as the General Contractor on the FSU PC – Early Childhood Autism Program (ECAP) Renovation project.  The project involved construction of the Living Skills Observation Areas to assist staff in serving children diagnosed with (or presenting symptoms of) developmental delays or disabilities, including: autism spectrum disorders, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy and intellectual disabilities.

Walsingham Academy – $37mm

After interviewing multiple Construction Management firms, Bay District Schools selected the ReliantSouth Team as the Construction Manager to facilitate the construction of the new $37M Gary Walsingham Academy project located in Panama City Beach.  This important project marks the first new school for Bay District Schools in over ten (10) years. With the Panama City…

Bay High School Building #12 Renovations

ReliantSouth was selected to facilitate the renovation of Bay High School’s Building #12 by Bay District Schools.  The existing 22,900 sf building was in dire need of renovation due to existing asbestos, roof leaks, a poor HVAC system, non-ADA compliant classroom entries and cosmetic deficiencies.  The scope of work consisted of extensive mechanical, electrical &…