Preconstruction Services

ReliantSouth is keenly aware that successful construction projects do not occur by chance, but are critically linked to a thorough and well executed pre-construction phase. Proper planning, with a collaborative approach regarding design development, along with the always important budget affirmation chart, sets the course for achieving the entire project team’s shared goals.

ReliantSouth excels in assisting clients throughout this pre-planning process by implementing proven strategies refined over more than thirty (30) years of construction experience. Our team is confident that if we are afforded the opportunity to assist during the preconstruction phase of your project, we can add tremendous value and ensure a seamless transition from project inception to occupancy.

Consulting Services

ReliantSouth due to its past experience and qualifications is not a typical construction firm and is relied on as a trusted professional in multiple ways. For example, ReliantSouth recently completed these consulting assignments:

A complete campus replacement cost analysis for Gulf Coast State College in support of Gulf Coast’s negotiations with the FDOT regarding their need for additional right of way.
A detailed master plan for a proposed 156,000 square foot mid- rise office park.
A complete campus replacement cost analysis for Gulf Coast State College in support of Gulf Coast’s negotiations with the FDOT regarding their need for additional right of way.
A detailed master plan for a proposed 156,000 square foot mid- rise office park.