Mowat Middle School’s Building #9 was in dire need of repair. Extensive roof leaks, inefficient HVAC systems, poor lighting, and dated finishes plagued the building. ReliantSouth staff in conjunction with JRA Architects facilitated the much-needed renovation at Mowat during the summer of 2013. ReliantSouth staff worked closely with the District, the architect, and school staff to achieve the team’s shared project goals in the seventy-one (71) day project schedule. The primary challenge was converting the existing 2-pipe chiller/boiler system to a 4-pipe system, thereby allowing the ultimate user (the faculty & staff) more flexibility in controlling thermal comfort in the classroom. To achieve this task, ReliantSouth expedited the bidding of the HVAC system to ensure the HVAC subcontractor was on the team early in the project to facilitate a quick submittal process and thereby releasing the new fan coil units for fabrication to meet the demanding summer schedule. This technique, along with an aggressive, tactical approach to the project schedule, allowed ReliantSouth staff to achieve substantial completion one (1) week ahead of schedule.